
No Holds Bard: The First Folio Original Graphic Novel

Created by Eric Gladstone

A six-issue original graphic novel about the continuing superhero adventures of Shakespeare, written in iambic pentameter.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

In which we discuss the important questions, such as "to be or not to be."
almost 6 years ago – Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 01:43:56 PM

Hey FRC,

I'm going to be super-honest right now. I've been having some "dark thoughts" regarding the campaign and our final week-ish of funding. We still have halfway to go. I don't have a lot of savings, so a lot of mental energy is going toward the thoughts of "what if we don't make it?" I'm not entirely sure I know. I'd like to say, well, we'll put it on a shelf, maybe try another round of funding in a few months, maybe switch up strategies a little bit, do some soul-searching and re-evaluate when the time comes. But I really don't know. Maybe I'll move to another project entirely (Bard isn't my only idea, after all).

I'm more or less recovered from SDCC, and so this last week+ is really important. From what I understand, the final 3-ish days are the most important fundraising time, but I'm not entirely confident we'll make it. 

So as an incentive, I'm going to say the goal is now our stretch goal. Any stretch goals we had previously announced (extra four pin-ups and hardcover upgrade) are now automatic.

Please spread the word!

Love you,


In which we decompress after SDCC 2018
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 08:35:22 AM

Hello folks, 

As of this writing, Logan Faerber's plane is bound for North Carolina, and I just got home to LA after a long drive. I'm about to zonk out, but I thought I'd give you one of my patented quick updates™

First off, San Diego Comic-Con was as delightful as ever. There was plenty of people-watching, and friends new and old gathered to celebrate all things nerdy. I got my hands on the one exclusive I had my eye on (the Hot Wheels Thanos Copter), plus I got to hang out with Friends of the Bard Sina Grace and Luke McGarry, so all in all, it was a great success. I didn't get to pass out nearly as many No Holds Bard postcards as I wanted to (nerves got the better of me. I'm pretty shy when it comes to asking strangers for anything) but I still got the message out to any and all who would listen. 

Since Logan and I had only met once before Friday, it was really awesome getting to spend time with such an incredibly talented artist and altogether standup dude. 

We're both asleep (ignore the arm)
We're both asleep (ignore the arm)

Something I didn't know, Logan designed the Court of Owls maze at the DC Universe Experience across the street from the convention center. You can see a walkthrough here! There's no mistaking some of Logan's art in there, and he recreated some of Greg Capullo's artwork too!

Likewise, the show I worked on, Titans, had a cool couple of displays and dropped a trailer complete with naughty language!


But enough about Comic-Con and our corporate side hustles. Back to the Bard! We're still chugging away, and we're close to the finish line. We have under two weeks left and a ways to go, so the heat is on. Can you help us make it? Is the Bard doomed to fail? I sure hope not! So help us spread the word on social media and in person. Demand your favorite podcast interview us, tell your friends in person, or drop us a line yourself

My birthday is a week from today, and the only thing I want is for this thing to succeed. You can help give me that gift, and in turn, get the gift of goofy, literature-adjacent comics! It's possible! Miracles do happen!

 Until next time!


In which we enjoy the calm before the storm
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 11:19:15 AM

Hey FRC,

Eric here with a quick update. 

We're getting coverage! Check out this thing I wrote on Bleeding Cool about the making of NHB and my neuroses regarding the current campaign, or our press release on Newsarama!

We have a little over two weeks to get over half our goal. Can we do it? Maybe! I hope so. Stranger things have happened, and I'm proud of how far we've come. We're not out of this yet. Maybe we'll do a mukbang to promote. I hear those are popular these days. In the meantime, we're going to SDCC for some heavy promoting and a little bit of collectible hunting. Maybe check out a party or two. Come say hi!

We're mostly going to be wandering the floor, but Logan's doing a signing at Albatross Funnybooks on Saturday. Here's the full schedule!

Anyway, if you aren't already, follow me and Logan on Twitter. We have lots of good content and insights. 



In which we give back to you, the people!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 02:59:48 AM

Greetings citizens of Earth-1218,

Eric here with a quick update. Oh, me? I’m fine. How are you?

Logan and I are so stoked to be part of this amazing project, and we can’t do it without your support. As a special thank you, we’re giving away the digital version of the pilot issue, so you can read the spoils of our past labours. It has wonderful art by Eisner Award-winning Erica Henderson, Logan Faerber, of course, Dodge City’s Cara McGee, one-of-the-best-in-the-biz James Callahan, and Bully WarsAaron Conley. And don’t forget that sweet cover from Dave Kloc, or those pin-ups from Sina Grace, Ashlyn Anstee, and Bobby Rubio! It’s a great package with a few grammatical issues that will be ironed out before the First Folio collection goes to press. But you deserve to know what you’re getting into!

Click this robin, good fellow, to download the pilot issue!
Click this robin, good fellow, to download the pilot issue!

I thought people would jump at the chance to get drawn in the book (plus get a bunch of other great stuff), but maybe the reward price is proving to be a little too much of a commitment. So for a limited time, we’re doing a special package. You can get your likeness drawn in the book, plus the book itself (as well as some stickers and the digital rewards) for the low low price of $100. Free shipping on that one, even internationally! 

Next week, we’re heading to San Diego Comic-Con! I’ll be passing out a bunch of stuff if I’m not passing out from the heat. So come say hi if you see us! 

Love you lots,


In which we're a third of the way there with time to spare!
almost 6 years ago – Sun, Jul 08, 2018 at 04:15:52 PM

Greetings Friends, Romans, Countrymen,  

Eric here with a quick update. They say projects that update once every 5 days or fewer have a 400% chance better chance of getting funded than projects that update every 20 days or more, so I guess expect a couple more of these coming down the pipeline in the near future with fervent frequency! I myself have been doing a contract gig for an esports company and since that’s over after today, I’ll be able to dedicate a healthier chunk of time to making sure the word gets out about No Holds Bard: The First Folio.

We’re exactly 4 weeks away from our deadline and hovering just under 30% funded! We’re ever so grateful to everyone who has contributed so far, you make this possible. Now the real fundraising blitz can begin, and to mix metaphors, we’re hoping this thing snowballs into a mighty fundraising avalanche that will take us to the stratosphere! We’re going to go all out, but we need you, yes you, to help spread the word. Tweet generously! Talk to your friends! Tell your theater camp director! Convince your rich uncle to pitch in! We may have a ton of incredible talent behind us, but we’re still a tiny operation and can’t overemphasize the need for your support. If you need evidence of the kind of quality product we put out, check out this blog by backer Megan Fauci from our first campaign! 

In other news, cover artist and all-around awesome person Ming Doyle has announced a really cool new project, Anatomy of a Metahuman, which has a bunch of sweet cross-sections of some of your favorite DC heroes and villains, and it’s written and illustrated from Batman’s perspective. You can pre-order it here. But you know...after us. 

For all our American friends, I wish you a happy belated Independence Day. That might seem a little weird, considering the good ol’ USA didn’t exist in Shakespeare times (although he did mention the continent a couple of times, most notably in The Comedy of Errors while Dromio and Antipholus of Syracuse were fat-shaming a servant by comparing her body to different parts of a globe). That said, pretty much all of our creative team and contributors are American, with the exceptions of Pia Guerra, who is dual Canadian and American, Luke McGarry, who is British, and Aneke, who is Spanish. See how Shakespeare brings us all together?! Enjoy your weekend!

With swords and love, 
